Doctoral Dissertations
- Maayan Priel, "Integrated Photonic Devices for Signal Generation, Processing, Amplification and Sensing," Ph.D. Thesis, Faculty of Engineering, Bar-Ilan Univ., Ramat-Gan, Israel, 2023
- G. Bashan, "Opto-mechanics of standard and polarization maintaining fibers: theory and applications ," Ph.D. Thesis, Faculty of Engineering, Bar-Ilan Univ., Ramat-Gan, Israel, 2023
- Moshe Katzman, "Integrated Linear and Nonlinear Photonics Devices," Ph.D. Thesis, Faculty of Engineering, Bar-Ilan Univ., Ramat-Gan, Israel, 2022
- Hilel Hagai Diamandi, "Forward Brillouin Scattering in Single Mode Optical Fibers – Theory and Sensing Applications," Ph.D. Thesis, Faculty of Engineering, Bar-Ilan Univ., Ramat-Gan, Israel, 2022
- Dvir Munk, "Integrated Silicon Photonic Filters Using Optical and Acoustic Waves", Ph.D. Thesis, Faculty of Engineering, Bar-Ilan Univ., Ramat-Gan, Israel, 2021
- Y. London, "Characterization and Applications of Forward Stimulated Brillouin Scattering in Optical Fibers," Ph.D. Thesis, Faculty of Engineering, Bar-Ilan Univ., Ramat-Gan, Israel, 2020
- Eyal Preter, "Scanning-free high-resolution Brillouin-optical correlation domain analysis," Ph.D. Thesis, Faculty of Engineering, Bar-Ilan Univ., Ramat-Gan, Israel, 2018
- Y. Antman, "Optical Fiber Sensors Based on Forward and Backward Stimulated Brillouin Scattering," Ph.D. Thesis, Faculty of Engineering, Bar-Ilan Univ., Ramat-Gan, Israel, 2017
- S. Levy, "Stimulated Brillouin scattering in a planar chalcogenide glass waveguide," Ph.D. Thesis, Faculty of Engineering, Bar-Ilan Univ., Ramat-Gan, Israel, 2016
- R. califa, "Post-fabrication trimming of silicon-photonic devices using a photo-sensitive upper cladding," Ph.D. Thesis, Faculty of Engineering, Bar-Ilan Univ., Ramat-Gan, Israel, 2016
- D. Grodensky, "Laser Ranging Using Incoherent Pulse Compression Techniques", Ph.D. thesis, Dept. Elect. Eng., Bar-Ilan Univ., Ramat-Gan, Israel, 2014
M.SC. Theses
- Elad Layosh, "Opto-Mechanical Interactions in Few-Mode Fibers," M.Sc. Thesis, Faculty of Engineering, Bar-Ilan Univ., Ramat-Gan, Israel, 2025
- Alon Bernstein, "Tensor Characteristics of Forward Brillouin Sensors in Optical Fibers," M.Sc. Thesis, M.Sc. Thesis, Faculty of Engineering, Bar-Ilan Univ., Ramat-Gan, Israel, 2023
- Leroy Dokhanian, "Thin Layers Analysis Using Surface Acoustic Wave-Photonic Devices in Silicon-on-Insulator", 2022
- Elad Zehavi, "Distributed chemical detection outside standard coated fibers using Brillouin optical time domain analysis of cladding modes spectra," M.Sc. Thesis, Faculty of Engineering, Bar-Ilan Univ., Ramat-Gan, Israel, 2022
- Matan Slook, "16-Channels Multiplexer at 1310 nm Wavelength with Post Fabrication Trimming Based on Chalcogenide Glass," M.Sc. Thesis, Faculty of Engineering, Bar-Ilan Univ., Ramat-Gan, Israel, 2022
- Etai Grunwald, "Surface acoustic wave – photonic microwave filters in standard silicon on insulator," M.Sc. Thesis, Faculty of Engineering, Bar-Ilan Univ., Ramat-Gan, Israel, 2021
- Moshe Katzman, "Highly nonlinear chalcogenide glass-in-silica waveguides," M.Sc. Thesis, Faculty of Engineering, Bar-Ilan Univ., Ramat-Gan, Israel, 2017
- Hilel Hagai Diamandi, "Opto-Mechanical Coupling in Multi-Core Optical Fibers ," M.Sc. Thesis, Faculty of Engineering, Bar-Ilan Univ., Ramat-Gan, Israel, 2017
- Orel Shlomi, "High-Resolution Double-Pulse-Pair Brillouin Optical Correlation-Domain Analysis," M.Sc. Thesis, Faculty of Engineering, Bar-Ilan Univ., Ramat-Gan, Israel, 2016
- Dvir Munk, "Silicon-Photonic Integrated Filters: Analysis and Fabrication," M.Sc. Thesis, Faculty of Engineering, Bar-Ilan Univ., Ramat-Gan, Israel, 2015
- Yosef London, "High-resolution long-tange distributed Brillouin analysis using dual-layer phase and amplitude coding," M.Sc. Thesis, Faculty of Engineering, Bar-Ilan Univ., Ramat-Gan, Israel, 2015
- Nadav Arbel, "Continuously opearting laser range finder based on incoherent compression of periodic sequences," M.Sc. Thesis, Faculty of Engineering, Bar-Ilan Univ., Ramat-Gan, Israel, 2015
- Assaf Ben-Amram, "Stable delay of arbitrary radio-frequency waveforms over optical fibers," M.Sc. Thesis, Faculty of Engineering, Bar-Ilan Univ., Ramat-Gan, Israel, 2015
- David Elooz, "High-Resolution Long-Reach Brillouin Distributed Fiber Sensing with Reduced Acquisition Time," M.Sc. thesis, Dept. Elect. Eng., Bar-Ilan Univ., Ramat-Gan, Israel, 2015
- Raphael Cohen, "Noise-based Brillouin optical correlation domain analysis with mm resolution," M.Sc. thesis, Dept. Elect. Eng., Bar-Ilan Univ., Ramat-Gan, Israel, 2014
- E. Preter, "Evaporation Sensing Using Fiber Optics", M.S. thesis, Dept. Elect. Eng., Bar-Ilan Univ., Ramat-Gan, Israel, 2013
- I. Bakish, "Design and Fabrication of Optical Phase Modulator Using Organic Self-Assembled Monolayer Wafer Bonding", M.S. thesis, Dept. Elect. Eng., Bar-Ilan Univ., Ramat-Gan, Israel, 2013
- Y. Stern, "All-Optical Signal Processing and Analysis of Radio Frequency Waveforms", M.S. thesis, Dept. Elect. Eng., Bar-Ilan Univ., Ramat-Gan, Israel, 2013
- D. Kravitz, "Microwave and Laser Ranging Using Photonics Noise and Sequence Coding", M.S. thesis, Dept. Elect. Eng., Bar-Ilan Univ., Ramat-Gan, Israel, 2013
- T. Ilovitsh, "Hybrid Silicon / Lithium Niobate Modulators: Design and Wafer Bonding", M.S. thesis, Dept. Elect. Eng., Bar-Ilan Univ., Ramat-Gan, Israel, 2012
- O. Klinger, "Long Microwave-Photonic Variable Delay of Chirped Waveforms", M.S. thesis, Dept. Elect. Eng., Bar-Ilan Univ., Ramat-Gan, Israel, 2012
Journal Publications
- A. Bernstein*, E. Zehavi*, Y. London, M. Hen, R. Suna, S. Ben-Ami, and A. Zadok, "Tensor characteristics of forward Brillouin sensors in bare and coated fibers," APL Photonics 8, article no, 126105 (2023)
- Bernstein*, E. Zehavi*, Y. London, M. Hen, A. A. Stolov, and A. Zadok, "Measuring glass transition of a polymer coating layer over working fiber using forward Brillouin scattering," Opt. Lett. 48, 5037-5040 (2023)
- A. Zadok, E. Zehavi, and A. Bernstein, "Opto-mechanical fiber sensing with optical and acoustic cladding modes," Tutorial paper. Applied Physics Letters - Photonics 8, 071101 (2023)
- M. Priel, S. Kumar Bag, M. Slook, L. Dokhanian, I. Shafir, M. Hen, M. Katzman, E. Grunwald, D. Munk, M. Feldberg, T. Sharabani, N. Inbar, G. Bashan, and A. Zadok, "Thermo-elastic gigahertz-frequency oscillator through surface acoustic wave-silicon photonics," Opt. Express 31, 684-697 (2023)
- M. Katzman, Y. Piasetzky, E. Rubin, B. Barenboim, M. Priel, M. Erew, A. Zadok, and H. Suchowski, "Robust Directional Couplers for State Manipulation in Silicon Photonic-Integrated Circuits," J. Lightwave Technol. 40, 7634-7639 (2022)
- E. Zehavi, A. Bernstein, G. Bashan, H. H. Diamandi, K. Sharma, Y. London, M. Hen, K. Shemer, A. A. Stolov, J. Li, and A. Zadok, "Distributed chemical detection outside standard coated fibers using Brillouin optical time-domain analysis of cladding mode spectra," Optica 9, 1433-1443 (2022)
- M. Slook, S. Kumar Bag, M. Katzman, D. Munk, Y. Kaganovskii, M. Rosenbluh, N. Inbar, I. Shafir, L. Dokhanian, M. Priel, M. Hen, E. Zehavi, and A. Zadok, "16-channel O-band silicon-photonic wavelength division multiplexer with a 1 nm channel spacing," Opt. Continuum 1, 2135-2145 (2022)
- K. Shemer, G. Bashan, E. Zehavi, H. H. Diamandi, A. Bernstein, K. Sharma, Y. London, D. Barrera, S. Sales, A. Bergman, and A. Zadok, "Optical fiber point sensors based on forward Brillouin scattering," Opt. Express 30, 39321-39328 (2022)
- M. Katzman, M. Priel, I. Shafir, S. Kumar Bag, D. Munk, N. Inbar, M. Feldberg, T. Sharabani, L. Dokhanian, M. Slook, and A. Zadok, "Surface acoustic wave photonic filters with a single narrow radio-frequency passband in standard silicon on insulator," Photon. Res. 10, 1723-1730 (2022)
- G. Bashan, H. H. Diamandi, E. Zehavi, K. Sharma, Y. London, and A. Zadok, "A forward Brillouin fibre laser," Nat Commun 13, 3554 (2022)
- K. Sharma, E. Zehavi, H. H. Diamandi, G. Bashan, Y. London, and A. Zadok, "Direct time-of-flight distributed analysis of nonlinear forward scattering," Optica 9, 419-428 (2022)
- M. Hen, L. Dokhanian, E. Grunwald, M. Slook, M. Katzman, M. Priel, O. Girshevitz, and A. Zadok, "Analysis of thin layers using surface acoustic wave-photonic devices in silicon-on-insulator," Opt. Express 30, 6949-6959 (2022)
- H. H. Diamandi, G. Bashan, Y. London, K. Sharma, K. Shemer, and A. Zadok, "Interpolarization Forward Stimulated Brillouin Scattering in Standard Single-Mode Fibers," Laser Photon. Rev. 15, 2100337 (2021)
- Y. London, K. Sharma, H. H. Diamandi, M. Hen, G. Bashan, E. Zehavi, S. Zilberman, G. Berkovic, A. Zentner, M. Mayoni, A. A. Stolov, M. Kalina, O. Kleinerman, E. Shafir, and A. Zadok, "Opto-Mechanical Fiber Sensing of Gamma Radiation," J. Lightwave Technol. 39, 6637-6645 (2021)
- G. Bashan, H. H. Diamandi, Y. London, K. Sharma, K. Shemer, E. Zehavi, and A. Zadok, "Forward stimulated Brillouin scattering and opto-mechanical non-reciprocity in standard polarization maintaining fibres," Light Sci. Appl. 10, 119 (2021)
- M. Katzman, D. Munk, M. Priel, E. Grunwald, M. Hen, N. Inbar, M. Feldberg, T. Sharabani, R. Zektzer, G. Bashan, M. Vofsi, U. Levy, and A. Zadok, "Surface acoustic microwave photonic filters in standard silicon-on-insulator," Optica 8, 697-707 (2021)
- H. H. Diamandi, Y. London, G. Bashan, K. Shemer and A. Zadok, "Forward Stimulated Brillouin Scattering Analysis of Optical Fibers Coatings," J. Lightwave Technol. 39, 1800-1807 (2021)
- A. Bergman, R. Duggan, K. Sharma, M. Tur, A. Zadok, and A. Alu, "Observation of anti-parity-time-symmetry, phase transitions and exceptional points in an optical fibre," Nat. Commun. 12, 486 (2021)
- A. Misra, S. Preussler, D. Munk, M. Katzman, L. Zhou, A. Zadok, and T. Schneider, "Integrated High-Resolution Optical Spectrum Analyzer With Broad Operational Bandwidth," IEEE Photonics Technology Letters 32, 1061-1064 (2020)
- K. Shemer, G. Bashan, H. H. Diamandi, Y. London, T. Raanan, Y. Israelashvili, A. Charny, I. Cohen, A. Bergman, N. Levanon, and A. Zadok, "Sequence-coded coherent laser ranging with high detection sensitivity," OSA Continuum 3, 1274-1282 (2020)
- G. Bashan, Y. London, H. H. Diamandi and A. Zadok, "Distributed cladding mode fiber-optic sensor," Optica 7, 85-92 (2020)
- H. H. Diamandi, Y. London, A. Bergman, G. Bashan, J. Madrigal, D. Barrera, S. Sales, and A. Zadok, "Opto-mechanical interactions in multi-core optical fibers and their applications," invited paper, IEEE J. Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics 26, 2600113 (2020)
- D. Munk, M. Katzman, M. Hen, M. Priel, M. Feldberg, T. Sharabani, S. Levy, A. Bergman, and A. Zadok, "Surface acoustic wave photonic device in silicon on insulator," Nature Communications 10, 4214 (2019)
- D. Munk, M. Katzman, Y. Kaganovskii, N. Inbar, A. Misra, M. Hen, M. Priel, M. Feldberg, M. Tkachev, A. Bergman, M. Vofsi, M. Rosenbluh, T. Schneider, and A. Zadok, "Eight-Channel Silicon-Photonic Wavelength Division Multiplexer With 17 GHz Spacing," IEEE J. Selected Topics Quantum Electron. 25, 8300310 (2019)
- H. H. Diamandi, Y. London, G. Bashan, and A. Zadok, "Distributed opto-mechanical analysis of liquids outside standard fibers coated with polyimide," Applied Physics Letters - Photonics 4, 016105 (2019)
- Y. London, H. H. Diamandi, G. Bahsan, and A. Zadok, "Invited Article: Distributed analysis of nonlinear wave mixing in fiber due to forward Brillouin scattering and Kerr effects," Applied Physics Letters - Photonics 3, 110804 (2018)
- A. Zadok, E. Preter, and Y. London, "Phase-Coded and Noise-Based Brillouin Optical Correlation-Domain Analysis," Applied Sciences 8, 1482 (2018)
- G. Bashan, H. H. Diamandi, Y. London, E. Preter, and A. Zadok, "Optomechanical time-domain reflectometry," Nature Communications 9, 2991 (2018)
- H. H. Diamandi, Y. London, G. Bashan, A. Bergman, and A. Zadok, "Highly-coherent stimulated phonon oscillations in a multi-core optical fibers," Scientific Reports 8, 9514 (2018)
- D. Munk, M. Katzman, O. Westreich, M. Bin Nun, Y. Lior, N. Sicron, Y. Paltiel, and A. Zadok, "Four-wave mixing and nonlinear parameter measurement in a gallium-nitride ridge waveguide," Opt. Mater. Express 8, 66-72 (2018)
- Y. Stern, Y. London, E. Preter, Y. Antman, H. H. Diamandi, M. Silbiger, G. Adler, E. Levenberg, D. Shalev, and A. Zadok, "Brillouin Optical Correlation Domain Analysis in Composite Material Beams," Sensors 2017, 17, 2266 (2017)
- Y. London*, H. H. Diamandi*, and A. Zadok, "Electro-opto-mechanical radio-frequency oscillator driven by guided acoustic waves in standard single-mode fiber," Applied Physics Letters – Photonics 2, 041303 (2017)
- H. H. Diamandi*, Y. London*, and A. Zadok, "Opto-mechanical inter-core cross-talk in multi-core fibers," Optica 4, 289-297 (2017)
- N. Arbel, L. Hirschbrand, S. Weiss, N. Levanon and A. Zadok, "Continuously Operating Laser Range Finder Based on Incoherent Pulse Compression: Noise Analysis and Experiment," IEEE Photonics Journal, vol. 8, no. 2, paper 6801211, pp. 1-11, April 2016
- N. Levanon, I. Cohen, N. Arbel, and A. Zadok, "Non-coherent pulse compression - aperiodic and periodic waveforms," IET Radar Sonar and Navigation 10, 216-224 (2016)
- E. Preter, D. Ba, Y. London, O. Shlomi, Y. Antman, and A. Zadok, "High-resolution Brillouin optical correlation domain analysis with no spectral scanning," Opt. Express 24, 27253-27267 (2016)
- O. Shlomi, E. Preter, D. Ba, Y. London, Y. Antman, and A. Zadok, "Double-pulse pair Brillouin optical correlation-domain analysis," Opt. Express 24, 26867-26876 (2016)
- Y. London, Y. Antman, E. Preter, N. Levanon and A. Zadok, "Brillouin Optical Correlation Domain Analysis Addressing 440 000 Resolution Points," Journal of Lightwave Technology 34, 4421-4429 (2016)
- Y. Antman, A. Clain, Y. London, and A. Zadok, "Optomechanical sensing of liquids outside standard fibers using forward stimulated Brillouin scattering," Optica 3, 510-516 (2016)
- E. Preter, M. Katzman, Z. Oren, M. Ronen, D. Gerber and A. Zadok, "Fiber-Optic Evaporation Sensing: Monitoring Environmental Conditions and Urinalysis," Journal of Lightwave Technology 34, 4486-4492 (2016)
- Y. Ben Ezra, A. Zadok, R. Califa, D. Munk and B. I. Lembrikov, "All-optical wavelet-based orthogonal frequency division multiplexing system based on silicon photonic integrated components," IET Optoelectronics, vol. 10, no. 2, pp. 44-50 (2016)
- R. Califa, D. Munk, H. Genish, Yu. Kaganovskii, I. Bakish, M. Rosenbluh, and A. Zadok, "Large one-time photo-induced tuning of directional couplers in chalcogenide-on-silicon platform," Opt. Express 23, 28234-28243 (2015)
- A. Ben-Amram, Y. Stern, Y. London, Y. Antman, and A. Zadok, "Stable closed-loop fiber-optic delay of arbitrary radio-frequency waveforms," Opt. Express 23, 28244-28257 (2015)
- S. Levy, M. Klebanov, and A. Zadok, "High-Q ring resonators directly written in As2S3 chalcogenide glass films," Photon. Res. 3, 63-67 (2015)
- H. Alon, I. Bakish, J. Nehrer, A. Y. Anderson, C. N. Sukenik, A. Zadok, and D. Naveh, "Direct observation of patterned self-assembled monolayers and bilayers on silica-on-silicon surfaces," Opt. Mater. Express 5, 149-162 (2015)
- E. Preter, R. A. Katims, V. Artel, C. N. Sukenik, D. Donlagic, and A. Zadok, "Monitoring and analysis of pendant droplets evaporation using bare and monolayer-coated optical fiber facets," Opt. Mater. Express 4, 903-915 (2014)
- R. Califa, Y. Kaganovskii, D. Munk, H. Genish, I. Bakish, M. Rosenbluh, and A. Zadok, "Large photo-induced index variations in chalcogenide-on-silicon waveguides," Opt. Lett. 39, 5905-5908 (2014)
- Y. Stern, K. Zhong, T. Schneider, R. Zhang, Y. Ben-Ezra, M. Tur, and A. Zadok, "Tunable sharp and highly selective microwave-photonic band-pass filters based on stimulated Brillouin scattering" Photon. Res. 2, B18-B25 (2014)
- R. Cohen, Y. London, Y. Antman, and A. Zadok, "Brillouin optical correlation domain analysis with 4 millimeter resolution based on amplified spontaneous emission," Opt. Express 22, 12070-12078 (2014)
- D. Elooz, Y. Antman, N. Levanon, and A. Zadok, "High-resolution long-reach distributed Brillouin sensing based on combined time-domain and correlation-domain analysis," Opt. Express 22, 6453-6463 (2014)
- Yosef London, Yair Antman, Raphael Cohen, Naama Kimelfeld, Nadav Levanon, and Avi Zadok, "High-resolution long-range distributed Brillouin analysis using dual-layer phase and amplitude coding," Opt. Express 22, 27144-27158 (2014)
- Y. Antman, L,. Yaron, T. Langer, M. Tur, N. Levanon, and A. Zadok, "Experimental demonstration of localized Brillouin gratings with low off-peak reflectivity established by perfect Golomb codes," Opt. Lett. 38, 4701-4704 (2013)
- E. Preter, B. Preloznik, V. Artel, C. N. Sukenik, D. Donlagic, and A. Zadok, "Monitoring the evaporation of fluids from fiber-optic micro-cell cavities," Sensors 13, 15261-15273 (2013)
- S. Preussler, N. Wenzel, R.-P. Braun, N. Owschimikow, C. Vogel, A. Deninger, A. Zadok, U. Woggon, and T. Schneider, "Generation of ultra-narrow, stable and tunable millimeter- and terahertz- waves with very low phase noise," Opt. Express 21, 23950-23962 (2013)
- A. Mokhtari, K. Jamshidi, S. Preussler, A. Zadok, and T. Schneider, "Tunable microwave-photonic filter using frequency-to-time mapping-based delay lines," Opt. Express 21, 21702-21707 (2013)
- Y. Stern, K. Zhong, T. Schneider, Y. Ben-Ezra, R. Zhang, M. Tur, and A. Zadok, "Brillouin optical spectrum analyzer monitoring of subcarrier-multiplexed fiber-optic signals," Appl. Opt. 52, 6179-6184 (2013)
- Y. Antman, N. Levanon, and A. Zadok, "Low-noise delays from dynamic Brillouin gratings based on perfect Golomb coding of pump waves," Opt. Lett. 37, 5259-5261 (2012)
- S. Levy, V. Lyubin, M. Klebanov, J. Scheuer, and A. Zadok, "Stimulated Brillouin scattering amplification in centimeter-long directly written chalcogenide waveguides," Optics Letters 37, no. 24, 5112-5114, Dec. 2012
- D. Kravitz, D. Grodensky, N. Levanon, and A. Zadok, “High-Resolution Low-Sidelobe Laser Ranging Based on Incoherent Pulse Compression," IEEE Photonics Technology Letters vol. 24 no. 23, 2119-2121, Dec. 2012
- O. Klinger, Y. Stern, F. Pederiva, K. Jamshidi, T. Schneider, and A. Zadok, "Continuously variable long microwave-photonic delay of arbitrary frequency-chirped signals," Opt. Lett. 37, 3939-3941, 2012
- I. Bakish, V. Artel, T. Ilovitsh, M. Shubely, Y. Ben-Ezra, A. Zadok, and C. N. Sukenik, "Self-assembled monolayer assisted bonding of Si and InP," Optical Materials Express vol. 2, no. 8, 1141-1148, Aug. 2012
- A. Zadok, Y. Antman, N. Primerov, A. Denisov, J. Sancho, and L. Thevenaz, "Random-access distributed fiber sensing," Laser and Photonics Reviews vol. 6, no. 5, L1-L5, 2012
- Stefan Preussler, Avi Zadok, Andrzej Wiatrek, Moshe Tur, and Thomas Schneider, "Enhancement of spectral resolution and optical rejection ratio of Brillouin optical spectral analysis using polarization pulling," Opt. Express 20, 14734-14745 (2012)
- D. Grodensky, D. Kravitz, and A. Zadok, "Ultra-wideband microwave-photonic noise radar based on optical waveform generation," IEEE Photonics Technology Letters vol. 24, no. 10, 839-841 (2012)
- Y. Stern, O. Klinger, T. Schneider, K. Jamshidi, A. Peer and A. Zadok, "Low-distortion long variable delay of linear frequency modulated waveforms," IEEE Photonics vol. 4, no. 2, 499-503 (2012)
- Y. Antman, N. Primerov, J. Sancho, L. Thevenaz, and A. Zadok, "Localized and stationary dynamic gratings via stimulated Brillouin scattering with phase modulated pumps," Opt. Express 20, 7807-7821 (2012)
- J. Sancho, N. Primerov, S. Chin, Y. Antman, A. Zadok, S. Sales, and L. Thévenaz, "Tunable and reconfigurable multi-tap microwave photonic filter based on dynamic Brillouin gratings in fibers," Optics Express vol. 20, no. 6, pp. 6157-6162 (2012)
- O. Klinger, Y. Stern, T. Schneider, K. Jamshidi and A. Zadok, "Long Microwave-Photonic Variable Delay of Linear Frequency Modulated Waveforms," IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, vol. 24, no. 3, pp. 200-202, Feb. 2012
- Zohar Shmilovitch, Nikolay Primerov, Avi Zadok, Avishay Eyal, Sanghoon Chin, Luc Thevenaz, and Moshe Tur, "Dual-pump push-pull polarization control using stimulated Brillouin scattering," Opt. Express 19, 25873-25880 (2011)
- A. Wise, M. Tur, and A. Zadok, "Sharp tunable optical filters based on the polarization attributes of stimulated Brillouin scattering," Opt. Express 19, 21945-21955 (2011)
- A. Zadok, A. Eyal and M. Tur, "Stimulated Brillouin scattering slow light in optical fibers," (invited review paper), Applied Optics vol. 50, no. 25, pp. E38-E49, September 2011
- Y. Peled, M. Tur and A. Zadok, “Generation and Detection of Ultra-Wideband Waveforms Using Stimulated Brillouin Scattering Amplified Spontaneous Emission,” IEEE Photon. Technol. Lett. Vol. 22, 1692-1694, Nov. 2010
- A. Zadok, X. Wu, J. Sendowski, A. Yariv, and A. E. Willner, “Reconfigurable generation of high-order ultra-wideband waveforms using edge detection,” J. of Lightwave Tech., Vol. 28, Aug. 2207-2012. 2010
- A. Zadok, X. Wu, J. Sendowski, A. Yariv, and A. E. Willner, “Photonic generation of ultra-wideband signals via pulse compression in a highly nonlinear fiber,” IEEE Photon. Technol. Lett., Vol. 22, 239-241, Feb. 2010
- M. J. Shearn, K. A. Diest, X. K. Sun, A. Zadok, A. Yariv, A. Scherer, and H. A. Atwater, “Advanced silicon processing for active planar photonic devices,” J. of Vacuum Science and Technology B, Vol. 27, 3180-3182, Nov.-Dec. 2009
- A. Zadok, S. Chin, L. Thevenaz, E. Zilka, A. Eyal, and M. Tur, “Polarization induced distortion in stimulated Brillouin scattering slow light systems,” Opt. Lett., Vol. 34, 2530-2532, 2009
- A. Zadok, J. Sendowski, and A. Yariv, “Birefringence induced trains of high-rate pulses in a mode-locked fiber laser,” IEEE Photonics Journal, Vol. 1, 128-134, 2009
- X. K. Sun, A. Zadok, M. J. Shearn, K. A. Diest, A. Ghaffari, H. A. Atwater, A. Scherer, and A. Yariv, “Electrically Pumped Hybrid Evanescent Si/InGaAsP Lasers,” Opt. Lett., Vol. 34, 1345-1347, 2009
- A. Zadok, E. Zilka, A. Eyal, L. Thevenaz, and M. Tur, “Vector analysis of stimulated Brillouin scattering amplification in standard single-mode fibers,” Opt. Express, Vol. 16, 21692-21707, 2008
- A. Zadok, J. Scheuer, J. Sendowski, and A. Yariv, “Secure key generation using an ultra-long fiber laser: transient analysis and experiment,” Opt. Express Vol. 16, pp. 16680-16690, 2008
- A. Zadok, A. Eyal, and M. Tur, "GHz-wide optically reconfigurable filters using stimulated Brillouin scattering," J. of Lightwave Tech, Vol. 25, pp. 2168-2174, 2007
- A. Zadok, O. Raz, A. Eyal, and M. Tur, "Optically controlled low distortion delay of GHz-wide RF signals using slow light in fibers," IEEE Photonics Tech. Lett. Vol. 19, pp. 462-464, 2007
- A. Zadok and A. Eyal, "Polarimteric characterization of RF spectra at the output of linear optical systems" (invited paper), J. of Lightwave Tech., Vol. 24, pp. 4138-4148, 2006
- A. Zadok, A. Eyal, and M. Tur, "Extended delay of broadband signals in stimulated Brillouin scattering slow light using synthesized pump chirp," Opt. Express, Vol. 14, pp. 8498-8505, 2006
- A. Zadok and A. Eyal, "Source induced optical noise in polarization measurements", IEEE Photonics Tech. Lett., Vol. 18, pp. 1365-1367, 2006
- A. Zadok and A. Eyal, "Frequency resolved polarimetry via a tunable interferometer", IEEE Photonics Tech. Lett., Vol. 17, pp. 1707-1709, 2005
- A. Eyal and A. Zadok, "Optical noise induced by Gaussian sources in Stokes parameters measurements", J. Opt. Soc. Am. A, Vol. 22, pp. 662-671, 2005
- A. Zadok, N. Simon, and A. Eyal, "The dependence of the output Stokes parameters on the state of an arbitrarily located polarization controller in PMD mitigation schemes," J. of Lightwave Technol., Vol. 22, pp. 1533-1538, 2004
- W. D. Cornwell, I. Andonovich, A. Zadok and M. Tur, "The Role of Thermal Chirp in Reducing Interferometric Noise in Fiber-Optic Systems Driven by Directly Modulated DFB Lasers", J. of Lightwave Techbol., Vol. 18, pp. 154-160, 2000
- A. Zadok, H. Shalom, M. Tur, W.D. Cornwell and I. Andonovich, "Spectral Shift and Broadening of DFB Lasers under Direct Modulation", IEEE Photonics Tech. Lett., Vol. 10, pp. 1709-1711, 1998
- H. Shalom, A. Zadok, M. Tur, W. D. Cornwell and I. Andonovich, "On the Various Time Constants of Wavelength Changes of a DFB Laser under Direct Modulation", IEEE J. Quantum Elect., Vol. 34, pp. 1816-24, 1998
Books and Book Chapters
- A. Zadok, H. H. Diamandi, Y. London, and G. Bashan, "Forward Brillouin Scattering in Standard Optical Fibers," Springer Series in Optical Sciences, Springer (2022)
- A. Zadok, X. Bao, Z. Yang, and L. Thevenaz, "SBS-based fiber sensors," Brillouin Scattering Part 1, B. J. Eggleton, C. Poulton, and M. Steel (Eds.), Semiconductors and Semimetals, Eslevier (2022)