Welcome to Avi Zadok Lab

Our group carries out research in fiber-optics and in integrated photonic devices. We look to formulate, demonstrate and employ novel effects of light-waves propagation in both media. Particular emphasis is given to nonlinear optical propagation, and to interaction between guided light and guided sound. Areas of application include optical sensors of various types, and photonic integrated circuits.

Prof. Avi Zadok

Prof. Avi Zadok

Prof. Avi Zadok graduated from Tel-Aviv University in 2007 and was a post-doctoral fellow at Caltech between 2007-2009. In the years 2009-2024 he was with the Faculty of Engineering of Bar-Ilan University. In 2024 he joined the Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering of the Technion as Full Professor.
Prof. Zadok received the Krill Award of the Wolf Foundation in 2013, a Starter Grant from the European Research Council (ERC) in 2015 and a Consolidator Grant from the same agency in 2020. He was a member of the Israel Young Academy between 2016 and 2020 and served as the Young Academy Chairman in 2019-2020. He is a member of the National Council for Research and Development of Israel (MOLMOP), and a Fellow of Optica


D. Munk, M. Katzman, M. Hen, M. Priel, M. Feldberg, T. Sharabani, S. Levy, A. Bergman, and A. Zadok, "Surface acoustic wave photonic device in silicon on insulator," Nature Communications 10, 4214 (2019).
The interaction between light and sound waves, or opto-mechanics, is an extremely interesting topic of research that is also useful for many applications. In this work, we provided a first report of opto-mechanical interactions as part of silicon photonics: integrated photonic circuits in the standard silicon-on-insulator substrate. Microwave-frequency information is converted from the modulation of an incoming light wave to the form of surface acoustic waves, and then back to optics. The long delays of slow-moving acoustic waves support the realization of filters with extremely narrow passbands: only few-MHz wide.



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Prof. Avi Zadok invited to give two talks at Photonics West 2025, and a colloquium at the Institute of Optics, University of Rochester

Prof. Avinoam (Avi) Zadok recently joined the Technion’s Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the pinnacle of an impressive career as the head of a groundbreaking research group at Bar-Ilan University. Full article in Technion’s Quantum Center website

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New Faculty Members with Technion Management